
Archive for March 3rd, 2011

i know that all of you have been checking in NOT to see the cuteness that is my children, but because you’re completely riveted by all the carmax drama in my life. i get it. it’s interesting stuff.

so pull up a chair already. here is the latest:

on 2/24, the [insert corporate sounding descriptor] manager left me a voicemail asking me to call him back to further discuss the van situation. his message was courteous, and he reiterated the “we want you to feel comfortable with your purchase” spiel. however, for the past week, we’ve been playing phone tag, and finally spoke today.

basically, he asked me to bring the van back to carmax for further inspection. he wants to put it up on the proverbial blocks again and look at it with us himself. i replied with my concern that we’ve already done that, and that the service manager wouldn’t even look at the problem areas without charging us. i told him i refused to go through that again. it was a waste of time, and ridiculously inconvenient to maneuver with two kids in tow.

he advised that he would be happy to take off the wheels and look at every problem area, without charging us. he also said he’d be happy to speak with our mechanic so that they would be on the same page in assessing the actual state of our van. he gave me his cell phone number so that there would be no more phone tag, and so we could schedule a time that is most convenient for us to meet.

at this point, i stated our goals to resolve the whole issue:

1. new calipers, 4 new rotors, new shock and strut fasteners.
2. a rustoleum sort of coating for the whole undercarriage to prevent further rusting.

he didn’t commit to anything but mentioned quickly something about “a deal” once the van is evaluated again.

so. before starting this surface vs penetrative rust semantics battle again (which is what i fear will happen), i must say that i am relieved to FINALLY be speaking with a person who is not just using flowery, customer servicey words to tell us no. this manager guy is the first person to actually hear me out. i am still skeptical that carmax will offer anything more than the options already put forward, but it’s the first phonecall that did not end with me shaking in anger.

to be cont’d.

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